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 2019年8月14日至15日,《艺术设计与可持续发展研讨会》及《第三届NCDA国际艺术设计作品展》在联合国日内瓦总部万国宫举办, 此次活动是在联合国训练研究所(UNITAR)的支持下,由联合国训练研究所上海国际培训中心与全国高校数字艺术设计大赛组委会联合主办,旨在响应联合国2030可持续发展目标,展示NCDA大赛配合实施联合国可持续发展目标做出的努力及成果,展示中国高校艺术设计专业的教学及创新成果。

 研讨会由UNITAR项目负责人Ms. Angela Montaño García主持,UNITAR官员Mr. Sebastian Hofbauer和CIFAL SHANGHAI吴玉刚副主任分别致欢迎词。NCDA大赛秘书长郭清胜先生介绍了全国高校数字艺术设计大赛,及近年来配合联合国可持续发展目标实施做出的努力,联合国官员对于大赛在宣传优质教育、消除贫困、可持续城市和社区及推动大学生体面工作等领域做出的努力及取得了成果给予高度赞赏。UNITAR官员介绍了联合国的使命及组织架构,联合国日内瓦总部的组织及使命,详细介绍了联合国2030可持续发展目标Sustainable Development Goals对于全人类的意义及重要性;同时也分享了UNITAR的使命及其组织开展的各类培训项目,丰富的online及offline课程资源。上海工艺美术职业学院数码艺术学院陈洁滋院长代表参会者作了发言,阐述了大赛对于提高学生能力,更好就业,拥有体面工作的重要性。研讨会结束后,联合国官员为参会者颁发了联合国助理秘书长、UNITAR执行主任Nikhil Seth先生签发的证书。


       联合国官员高度肯定了文化艺术在实现可持续发展目标重要推动力,对于双方未来更深层次的合作充满希望,将继续支持NCDA大赛,并提出了具体建设性的建议。Sebastian Hofbauer先生引用现任联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生的讲话为研讨会及展览做出总结:“艺术对所有人类文化都至关重要; 它滋养我们的精神,反映我们最深的情感,挑战我们扩展我们的理解,超越差异并提醒我们,我们是一个人类大家庭。”


National College Digital Art & Design Awards (NCDA) Entering United Nations

GENEVA, August 14 -15, 2019, Seminar on Art Design and Sustainable Development as well as the Third NCDA International Art & Design Exhibition were held at the Palais des Nations, United Nations Headquarters. Supported by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the event was organized by CIFAL SHANGHAI, an affliated training center to UNITAR and the Organizing Committee of NCDA. In response to UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the event has an overall objective to demonstrate NCDA’s effort and results in promoting the SDGs of the United Nations, and to showcase the teaching and innovative achievements of Art & Design major among Chinese universities.

The seminar was chaired by Ms. Angela Montaño García, UNITAR project manager, and addressed by Mr. Sebastian Hofbauer, UNITAR official and Mr. WU Yugang, Deputy Director of CIFAL SHANGHAI, respectively. Mr. GUO Qingsheng, Secretary-General of NCDA, introduced the NCDA and its effort made in recent years to promote SDGs of the United Nations. UNITAR officials highly appreciated the efforts and achievements of NCDA in the areas of promoting quality education, poverty elimination, sustainable cities/ communities and promoting decent jobs for University students. Meanwhile, they introduced the mission and organizational structure of the United Nations, as well as of United Nations headquarters in Geneva, and the significance of the United Nations 2030 Agenda & Sustainable Development Goals for all mankind. They also introduced the mission of UNITAR, and variety of training projects UNITAR has been implementing with its rich online& offline curriculum resources. Mr. CHEN Jiezi, Dean of Digital Art College of Shanghai Art & Design Academy, delivered a speech on behalf of the participants, set forth the importance of NCDA’s role in improving skills, leading better employment and decent work for students. At the end of the seminar, United Nations officials awarded participants with certifications issued by Mr. Nikhil Seth, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UNITAR.

In the meantime, the Third NCDA International Art & Design Exhibition was held at the headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, and the excellent work collection《NCDA Awards Entering the United Nations & the Third NCDA International Art & Design Exhibition》was released. This is NCDA’s first appearance in United Nations and the exhibits are excellent work collections from NCDA over the years. UN officials highly appreciated the displayed art works and revealed great interest in exhibits reflecting Chinese traditional culture, numeral techniques and ancient Chinese architecture, such as the work "Walking into XUNWU" , with theme of water source protection of Dongjiang River and poverty alleviation and fortification. After in-depth exchange with the creators, the connotation of the work was thoroughly understood.


United Nations officials highly acknowledged that Culture & Art as important impetus in achieving SDGs. Additionally, they expressed willingness to continue supporting the NCDA and a deeper cooperation between the two sides in the future, and put forward some concrete and constructive suggestions to the development of NCDA.


Mr. Sebastian Hofbauer, in the end of the seminar and the exhibition, quoted words from Mr. António Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, “Art is essential to all human cultures; It nourishes our spirits, reflects our deepest emotions, challenges us to expand our understanding, transcends differences and reminds us that we are one human family.”

