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China- aid Training Seminar I Completed Successfully on 10 Jun 2014

 20 Jun 2014 The China- aid Training Course I on Information Technology Application for African Countries successfully concluded. Mr. WANG Genxiang congratulated all participants for their academic achievements. 

The first training course targets officials from ICT industries in Ethiopia, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Uganda, Eritrea, Cameroon, Rwanda, Egypt, and Sudan.

The program is divided into thematic lectures, special subjects, free discussion, case study and spot investigation. Overall three modules are adopted. Module 1: Overview of IT, E-Government, Information Security, Enterprise Informatization, Mobile IT Application, E-Commerce, etc. Module 2: Information technology applications in telecommunication, agriculture, education and urban construction. Module 3: visit famous enterprises and institutes in Shanghai, Wuhan,  Ningbo and Hangzhou to let participants witness current informatization construction and IT application in China

The training course is aimed to promote economic and technical cooperation in terms of applications of information technology among China and trainees’ countries.  

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